English to Chinese Dictionary


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公鸡 gōng cock; rooster
斗鸡 dòu cock fighting
闻鸡起舞 wén to start practicing at the first crow of the cock (idiom) / to be diligent in one's studies
叫鸡 jiào rooster / cock / (slang) (Cantonese) to visit a prostitute
鸡鸣狗盗 míng gǒu dào crowing like a cock and stealing like a dog (idiom) / bag of tricks / useful talents
种禽 zhǒng qín cock / male breeding poultry
不经之谈 jīng zhī tán absurd statement / cock-and-bull story
鸡年 nián Year of the Cock (e.g. 2005)
胡编乱造 biān luàn zào to concoct a cock-and-bull story (idiom) / to make things up
酉鸡 yǒu Year 10, year of the Cock (e.g. 2005)
斗鸡走马 dòu zǒu cock-fighting and horse-racing (idiom); to gamble

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