English to Chinese Dictionary


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中国新闻社 Zhōng guó Xīn wén shè China News Service (CNS), a state-owned news agency in China, focused primarily on providing news to Chinese communities outside mainland China
中新社 Zhōng xīn shè China News Service (CNS) (abbr. for 中國新聞社|中国新闻社[Zhong1guo2 Xin1wen2she4])
中枢神经系统 zhōng shū shén jīng tǒng central nervous system, CNS
国家标准中文交换码 guó jiā biāo zhǔn Zhōng wén jiāo huàn CNS 11643, Chinese character coding adopted in Taiwan, 1986-1992
通用汉字标准交换码 Tōng yòng Hàn Biāo zhǔn Jiāo huàn Standard Interchange Code for Generally Used Chinese Characters, a character encoding standard of Taiwan 1986-1992, aka CNS 11643-1986, where CNS stands for Chinese National Standard / abbr. to 通用碼|通用码[Tong1 yong4 ma3]
通用码 Tōng yòng Standard Interchange Code for Generally Used Chinese Characters, a character encoding standard of Taiwan 1986-1992, aka CNS 11643-1986, where CNS stands for Chinese National Standard (abbr. for 通用漢字標準交換碼|通用汉字标准交换码[Tong1 yong4 Han4 zi4 Biao1 zhun3 Jiao1 huan4 ma3])

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