English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shushi chuzhi chushu chashi choushi chishi chuchi chusai ?

厨师 chú shī cook / chef
出事 chū shì to have an accident / to meet with a mishap
出示 chū shì to show / to take out and show to others / to display
初始 chū shǐ initial / starting (point)
出使 chū shǐ to go abroad as ambassador / to be sent on a diplomatic mission
初试 chū shì preliminary exam / qualifying exam / first try / preliminary testing
出师 chū shī to finish apprenticeship / to graduate / to send out troops (under a commander)
处事 chǔ shì to handle affairs; to deal with matters
处世 chǔ shì to conduct oneself in society
出世 chū shì to be born / to come into being / to withdraw from worldly affairs
出仕 chū shì to take up an official post

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