English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chuai chucao chuchi chuci chusai chuwai shucai choucai ?

出彩 chū cǎi to perform outstandingly / outstanding; dazzling; brilliant
古文观止 wén Guān zhǐ Guwen Guanzhi, an anthology of essays written in Literary Chinese, compiled and edited by Wu Chucai and Wu Diaohou of Qing dynasty
耶律楚材 Chǔ cái Yelü Chucai (1190-1244), Khitan statesman and advisor to Genghis Khan and Ögödei Khan, known for convincing the Mongols to tax the conquered population of the north China plains rather than slaughter it
出菜 chū cài (at a restaurant) to bring a dish to a customer / to serve food

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