English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chu shou choy show chow shu chi cou ?

chōu to draw out / to pull out from in between / to remove part of the whole / (of certain plants) to sprout or bud / to whip or thrash
chǒu clown / 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February), year of the Ox / ancient Chinese compass point: 30°
chǒu shameful / ugly / disgraceful
chòu stench / smelly / to smell (bad) / repulsive / loathsome / terrible / bad / severely / ruthlessly / dud (ammunition)
chóu to worry about
chóu dense / crowded / thick / many
chóu chip (in gambling); token (for counting); ticket / to prepare; to plan; to raise (funds) / resource; way; means
chóu hatred / animosity / enmity / foe / enemy / to feel animosity toward (the wealthy, foreigners etc)
chǒu (dialect) to look at
chóu variant of 仇[chou2]
chóu variant of 仇[chou2]
chǒu old variant of 瞅[chou3]
Chǒu surname Chou
chóu to entertain / to repay / to return / to reward / to compensate / to reply / to answer
chóu salience / prominent / notable
chóu arable fields / cultivated field / class / category
chóu (light) silk / CL:匹[pi3]
chóu forlorn / vexed / disappointed
chóu old variant of 酬[chou2]
chóu variant of 酬[chou2]
chóu variant of 酬[chou2]
chǒu (onom.)
chóu comrades / friends / companions
chōu pluck (stringed instrument)
chóu to collate / to proofread

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