English to Chinese Dictionary


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讲究 jiǎng jiu to pay particular attention to / carefully selected for quality / tastefully chosen
精选 jīng xuǎn carefully chosen / handpicked / best of the bunch / choice (product) / concentration (mining) / to concentrate / to winnow
孤家寡人 jiā guǎ rén one who is cut off from others (idiom) / one who has chosen to follow a solitary path / (can also be an indirect way of referring to an unmarried person)
落选 luò xuǎn to fail to be chosen (or elected) / to lose an election
本尊 běn zūn (Buddhism) yidam (one's chosen meditational deity) / the principal object of worship on a Buddhist altar / (of a monk who has the ability to appear in multiple places at the same time) the honored one himself (contrasted with his alternate forms, 分身[fen1 shen1]) / (fig.) (jocular) the genuine article / the real McCoy / the man himself / the woman herself / the original manifestation of sth (not a spin-off or a clone)
选召 xuǎn zhào chosen and called
抓周 zhuā zhōu custom of placing a variety of articles (writing brush, abacus etc) before an infant on its first birthday to see which one he or she picks up (The article chosen is supposed to be an indication of the child's inclinations, future career etc.)
偶像剧 ǒu xiàng idol drama / drama series in which the actors are chosen for their preexisting popularity with young viewers
中选 zhòng xuǎn to be chosen; to be selected
调干生 diào gàn shēng worker chosen to become a cadre and sent to complete his schooling
音意合译 yīn formation of a loanword using some characters (or words) chosen for their meaning and others for phonetic transcription (e.g. 冰淇淋[bing1 qi2 lin2], 朗姆酒[lang3 mu3 jiu3], 奶昔[nai3 xi1] and 米老鼠[Mi3 Lao3 shu3])

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