English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: changzhi chengzhi chongshi chongchi chongzai chongzhu chongzi chongzuo ?

充值 chōng zhí to recharge (money onto a card)
虫豸 chóng zhì insect or insect-like small creature (literary) / base person (used as a curse word)
重置 chóng zhì to reset / reset / replacement
祖冲之 chōng zhī Zu Chongzhi (429-500), astronomer and mathematician
大明历 míng the 5th century Chinese calendar established by Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之|祖冲之
指南车 zhǐ nán chē a mechanical compass invented by Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之|祖冲之
重制 chóng zhì to make a copy / to reproduce / to remake (a movie)

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