English to Chinese Dictionary


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to block up (a road, pipe etc) / to stop up (a hole) / (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress / wall (literary) / (classifier for walls)
窒息 zhì to choke / to stifle / to suffocate
biē to choke / to stifle / to restrain / to hold back / to hold in (urine) / to hold (one's breath)
qiāng to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way)
to choke (on) / to choke up / to suffocate
gěng to choke with emotion / to choke on a piece of food
to choke (in crying)
节流 jié liú to control flow / to choke / weir valve / a throttle / a choke
qiàng to irritate the nose / to choke (of smoke, smell etc) / pungent / (coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb / to scold / to speak out against sb
gěng to choke on a piece of food
gěng to choke on a piece of food / (literary) a fish bone lodged in one's throat
憋气 biē to hold one's breath / to feel suffocated (for lack of air) / choked with bottled-up resentment
掐死 qiā to throttle / to choke to death
choke on something eaten
silt / river sludge / to silt up / choked with silt / variant of 瘀[yu1]
yōng to choke
噎住 zhù to choke (on) / to choke off (in speech)
ài (literary) to choke; to have a blockage in the throat / Taiwan pr. [yi4]
(literary) the throat / (literary) (military) choke point
充塞 chōng congestion / to block / to congest / to crowd / to choke / to cram / to fill up / to stuff / to take up all the space
因噎废食 yīn fèi shí lit. not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. to cut off one's nose to spite one's face / to avoid sth essential because of a slight risk
卡住 zhù to jam / to choke / to clutch / also pr. [qia3 zhu4]
淤塞 choked with silt / silted up
呛到 qiāng dào to choke on (food etc) / to swallow the wrong way
鲠喉 gěng hóu to choke on a piece of food etc

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