English to Chinese Dictionary


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(literary) chin; jaw / (literary) to foster; to nurture; to protect
下巴 xià ba chin
qín used in phonetic transcription -xine, -zine or -chin
引体向上 yǐn xiàng shàng chin-up (physical exercise)
颐指气使 zhǐ shǐ lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture / arrogant and bossy
hàn chin / to nod (one's assent)
腮托 sāi tuō chin rest (e.g. for a violin)
颐指 zhǐ to order with the chin / to indicate what one wants by facial gesture
颔下 hàn xià under one's chin
托腮 tuō sāi to rest one's chin in one's hand
灰喉山椒鸟 huī hóu shān jiāo niǎo (bird species of China) grey-chinned minivet (Pericrocotus solaris)
下巴颏 xià ba chin
下颏 xià chin / Taiwan pr. [xia4hai2]
棕颏噪鹛 zōng zào méi (bird species of China) rufous-chinned laughingthrush (Ianthocincla rufogularis)
淡颏仙鹟 dàn xiān wēng (bird species of China) pale-chinned flycatcher (Cyornis poliogenys)
金宁 Jīn níng Chinning township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县[Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金宁乡 Jīn níng xiāng Chinning township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县[Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
阿克赛钦 Ā sài qīn Aksai Chin, a disputed region in the Tibetan plateau
双下巴 shuāng xià ba double chin
颐指风使 zhǐ fēng shǐ lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture / arrogant and bossy
黑颏果鸠 hēi guǒ jiū (bird species of China) black-chinned fruit dove (Ptilinopus leclancheri)
黑颏穗鹛 hēi suì méi (bird species of China) black-chinned babbler (Cyanoderma pyrrhops)
黑额凤鹛 hēi é fèng méi (bird species of China) black-chinned yuhina (Yuhina nigrimenta)

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