English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chachi chichu chishi chuchi chichui chizhi shichi chiayi ?

迟迟 chí chí late (with a task etc) / slow
痴痴 chī chī foolish / stupid / lost in thought / in a daze
吃吃 chī chī (onom.) sound of muffled laughter (chuckling, tittering etc) / sound of stammering
集集 Jiji or Chichi Town in Nantou County 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 Xian4], central Taiwan
集集镇 Zhèn Jiji or Chichi Town in Nantou County 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 Xian4], central Taiwan

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