English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shi chu cha ci cui cai chui che ?

chī to eat; to consume / to eat at (a cafeteria etc) / to eradicate; to destroy / to absorb / to suffer (shock, injury, defeat etc)
chī variant of 吃[chi1]
chǐ a Chinese foot / one-third of a meter / a ruler / a tape-measure / one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine / CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3]
chí late / delayed / slow
chí to hold / to grasp / to support / to maintain / to persevere / to manage / to run (i.e. administer) / to control
kǎi (bound form) triumphal music / (Tw) (coll.) generous with money; lavish in spending / chi (Greek letter Χχ)
Chí surname Chi
chí pond / reservoir / moat
chí to run fast / to speed / to gallop / to disseminate / to spread
chì red / scarlet / bare / naked
齿 chǐ tooth / CL:顆|颗[ke1]
Chí surname Chi
chì (bound form) wing (of a bird or insect)
吉安 ān Ji'an prefecture-level city in Jiangxi / also Ji'an County / Ji'an or Chi'an township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 Xian4], east Taiwan
chì to scold / shout at / to hoot at
chī mythical beast (archaic)
推手 tuī shǒu promoter / advocate / driving force / pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. in t'ai chi)
慈济 Tzu Chi Foundation, an international humanitarian NGO, established in 1966 in Taiwan
chì to burn / to blaze / splendid / illustrious
chǐ (bound form) shame; humiliation; disgrace
chī (onom.) giggling / breathing / tearing of paper, ripping of fabric etc
chī used in 魑魅[chi1mei4]
chì imperial orders
Chī surname Chi
chī ignorant / worm

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