English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chengxing chengxian shengxiang changxiang chengjiang chengqiang chenxiang changjiang ?

城乡 chéng xiāng city and countryside
城厢 Chéng xiāng Chengxiang, a district of Putian City 莆田市[Pu2tian2 Shi4], Fujian
成像 chéng xiàng to form an image / imaging
丞相 chéng xiàng the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles) / prime minister
城厢区 Chéng xiāng Chengxiang, a district of Putian City 莆田市[Pu2tian2 Shi4], Fujian
成象 chéng xiàng to form an image / to call to mind

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