English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chu chi she cha ce c chew case ?

chē car / vehicle / CL:輛|辆[liang4] / machine / to shape with a lathe / Kangxi radical 159
chè to remove; to take away
chě to pull / to tear / (of cloth, thread etc) to buy / to chat / to gossip / (coll.) (Tw) ridiculous / hokey
chě variant of 扯[che3] / to pull / to tear
Chē surname Che
chè thorough / penetrating / to pervade / to pass through
chě one of the characters used to represent a musical note in gongche notation, 工尺譜|工尺谱[gong1 che3 pu3]
chè clear (water) / thorough
chè to pull / to draw / to pull back / to withdraw / to flash past
chè to crack / to split / to break / to chap
chè plants sprouting
chè used in 呫嚅[che4 ru2]
切格瓦拉 Qiè Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967), Cuban Revolution leader
chē used in 硨磲|砗磲[che1 qu2]
胆碱酯酶 dǎn jiǎn zhǐ méi choline esterase (ChE), hydrolyzing enzyme in blood plasma

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