English to Chinese Dictionary


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紊乱 wěn luàn disorder / chaos
混沌 hùn dùn primal chaos (original state of the universe in Chinese mythology) / (of a situation) confused; chaotic / (of a person) muddle-headed; simple-minded
乱世 luàn shì the world in chaos / troubled times / (in Buddhism) the mortal world
鸿蒙 hóng méng (literary) primordial chaos (mythological void state preceding the creation of the universe)
战乱 zhàn luàn chaos of war
祸乱 huò luàn calamity and chaos / devastating disorder / great turmoil
兵荒马乱 bīng huāng luàn soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmoil and chaos of war
拨乱反正 luàn fǎn zhèng bring order out of chaos / set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
浊世 zhuó shì the world in chaos / troubled times / the mortal world (Buddhism)
好整以暇 hào zhěng xiá to be calm and unruffled in the midst of chaos or at a busy time (idiom)
鸡飞狗跳 fēi gǒu tiào lit. chickens flying and dogs jumping (idiom) / fig. in chaos / in disarray
乱象 luàn xiàng chaos / madness
混沌理论 hùn dùn lùn (math.) chaos theory
一团糟 tuán zāo chaos / bungle / complete mess / shambles
唯恐天下不乱 wéi kǒng tiān xià luàn to wish for the whole world to be in chaos (idiom)
混沌学 hùn dùn xué chaos theory (math.)

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