English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: change cheng shang chiang chong chuang cang ching ?

chàng to sing / to call loudly / to chant
cháng always / ever / often / frequently / common / general / constant
chǎng large place used for a specific purpose / stage / scene (of a play) / classifier for sporting or recreational activities / classifier for number of exams
chǎng variant of 場|场[chang3]
cháng length / long / forever / always / constantly
chǎng factory / yard / depot / workhouse / works / (industrial) plant
cháng to taste; to try (food) / to experience / (literary) ever; once
cháng intestines
cháng to taste; to experience (variant of 嘗|尝[chang2])
cháng old variant of 嘗|尝[chang2]
cháng old variant of 腸|肠[chang2]
嫦娥 Cháng é Chang'e, the lady in the moon (Chinese mythology) / one of the Chang'e series of PRC lunar spacecraft
cháng threshing floor / classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout
Cháng surname Chang
chàng free / unimpeded / smooth / at ease / free from worry / fluent
cháng variant of 場|场[chang2]
cháng to repay / to compensate for / to recompense / to fulfill (hopes etc)
后羿 Hòu Houyi, mythological Chinese archer whose wife was Chang'e
鲿 cháng Bagridae (catfish family)
chāng gate of heaven / gate of palace
chāng ferocious
长安 Cháng ān Chang'an (ancient name of Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1]) capital of China during Tang Dynasty 唐朝[Tang2 chao2] / now 長安區|长安区[Chang2 an1 Qu1], a district of Xi'an
Chāng surname Chang
chāng (bound form) prosperous; flourishing
chàng a kind of sacrificial wine used in ancient times

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