English to Chinese Dictionary


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原因 yuán yīn cause / origin / root cause / reason / CL:個|个[ge4]
事业 shì undertaking / project / activity / (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause / publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation / career / occupation / CL:個|个[ge4]
造成 zào chéng to bring about; to create; to cause
使 shǐ to make / to cause / to enable / to use / to employ / to send / to instruct sb to do sth / envoy / messenger
导致 dǎo zhì to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about
促进 jìn to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost
引起 yǐn to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse
lìng to order / to command / an order / warrant / writ / to cause / to make sth happen / virtuous / honorific title / season / government position (old) / type of short song or poem
使得 shǐ de usable; serviceable / feasible; workable; doable / to make; to cause; to bring about
hài to do harm to / to cause trouble to / harm / evil / calamity
困扰 kùn rǎo to perplex / to disturb / to cause complications
yīn cause / reason / because
yuán former / original / primary / raw / level / cause / source
消灭 xiāo miè to put an end to / to annihilate / to cause to perish / to perish / annihilation (in quantum field theory)
增进 zēng jìn to promote / to enhance / to further / to advance (a cause etc)
缘故 yuán reason / cause
人为 rén wéi artificial / man-made / having human cause or origin / human attempt or effort
罪魁祸首 zuì kuí huò shǒu criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit / fig. main cause of a disaster
zhì (literary) to send; to transmit; to convey / (bound form) to cause; to lead to; consequently
to provoke / to irritate / to vex / to stir up / to anger / to attract (troubles) / to cause (problems)
引发 yǐn to lead to / to trigger / to initiate / to cause / to evoke (emotions)
肇事 zhào shì to cause an accident / to be responsible for an incident / to provoke a disturbance
happening / instance / reason / cause / intentional / former / old / friend / therefore / hence / (of people) to die, dead
xié demonic / iniquitous / nefarious / evil / unhealthy influences that cause disease (Chinese medicine) / (coll.) strange / abnormal
标本 biāo běn specimen; sample / the root cause and symptoms of a disease

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