English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: catch catties catchy ?

看见 kàn jiàn to see / to catch sight of
to hold / to seize / to catch / to apprehend / to take / (used in the same way as 把[ba3]: to mark the following noun as a direct object)
接着 jiē zhe to catch and hold on / to continue / to go on to do sth / to follow / to carry on / then / after that / subsequently / to proceed / to ensue / in turn / in one's turn
to obtain / to get / to gain / to catch (a disease) / proper / suitable / proud / contented / to allow / to permit / ready / finished
jiē to receive / to answer (the phone) / to meet or welcome sb / to connect / to catch / to join / to extend / to take one's turn on duty / to take over for sb
zhuā to grab / to catch / to arrest / to snatch / to scratch
感冒 gǎn mào to catch cold / (common) cold / CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] / (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative) / (Tw) to detest / can't stand
gǎn to overtake; to catch up with / to hurry; to rush / to try to catch (the bus etc) / to drive (cattle etc) forward; to drive (sb) away / to avail oneself of (an opportunity) / until; by (a certain time)
zháo to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to burn / (coll.) to fall asleep / (after a verb) hitting the mark / succeeding in
着火 zháo huǒ to catch fire
huò (literary) to catch; to capture / (literary) to get; to obtain; to win
rǎn to dye / to catch (a disease) / to acquire (bad habits etc) / to contaminate / to add color washes to a painting
to catch; to seize; to capture
赶上 gǎn shàng to keep up with / to catch up with / to overtake / to chance upon / in time for
赶不上 gǎn shàng can't keep up with / can't catch up with / cannot overtake
luó gauze / to collect / to gather / to catch / to sift
dǎi (coll.) to catch; to seize; to capture
动不动 dòng bu dòng (typically followed by 就[jiu4]) apt to (lose one's temper, catch a cold etc) / at the drop of a hat
追赶 zhuī gǎn to pursue / to chase after / to accelerate / to catch up with / to overtake
捕捉 zhuō to catch; to seize; to capture
gōu to hook / to sew / to crochet / hook / check mark or tick / window catch
跟上 gēn shàng to catch up with / to keep pace with
发火 huǒ to catch fire / to ignite / to detonate / to get angry
pàn to catch sight of in a doorway (old)
捕鱼 to catch fish; to fish

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