English to Chinese Dictionary


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摆脱 bǎi tuō to break away from / to cast off (old ideas etc) / to get rid of / to break away (from) / to break out (of) / to free oneself from / to extricate oneself
tóu to throw (sth in a specific direction: ball, javelin, grenade etc) / to cast (a ballot) / to cast (a glance, a shadow etc) / to put in (money for investment, a coin to operate a slot machine) / to send (a letter, a manuscript etc) / to throw oneself into (a river, a well etc to commit suicide) / to go to; to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of / (coll.) to rinse (clothes) in water
丢掉 diū diào to lose / to throw away / to discard / to cast away
to let go / to cast / to let loose / to discharge / to give expression to / (coll.) to pee
pāo to throw / to toss / to fling / to cast / to abandon
jiāo to pour liquid / to irrigate (using waterwheel) / to water / to cast (molten metal) / to mold
piě to throw / to cast / left-slanting downward brush stroke (calligraphy)
铸造 zhù zào to cast (pour metal into a mold)
投射 tóu shè to throw (a projectile) / to cast (light)
剧组 cast and crew / performers and production team
石膏 shí gāo gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O) / plaster / plaster cast (for a broken bone)
zhù to cast or found metals
铸就 zhù jiù to cast / to forge / to form / to create
白眼 bái yǎn to give sb a dirty look; to cast a supercilious glance / a disdainful look
wěi to entrust / to cast aside / to shift (blame etc) / to accumulate / roundabout / winding / dejected / listless / committee member / council / end / actually / certainly
to smelt / to cast / seductive in appearance
wān bay / gulf / to cast anchor / to moor (a boat)
铸成 zhù chéng to cast in metal / (fig.) to forge / to fashion
觊觎 (literary) to covet; to cast greedy eyes on
piē to cast away / to fling aside
铸件 zhù jiàn a casting (i.e. sth cast in a mold)
收口 shōu kǒu (knitting, basket weaving etc) to cast off; to bind / (of a wound) to close up; to heal
塑像 xiàng to sculpt or mold a statue (by shaping a pliable material such as clay, plaster or wax, which may later be cast in metal – as distinct from carving in stone or wood) / a statue created through such a process
蜕皮 tuì skin cast off during molting / exuvium / to pupate / to molt / to slough / to cast off an old skin or shell
tuì skin cast off during molting / exuvia / to pupate / to molt / to slough / to cast off an old skin or shell

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