English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: gang chang kang cong qing kong change king ?

cáng to conceal / to hide away / to harbor / to store / to collect
cāng cabin / the hold of a ship or airplane
cāng barn / granary / storehouse / cabin / hold (in ship)
Cāng surname Cang
cāng dark blue / deep green / ash-gray
cāng blue-green or azure (of water) / vast (of water) / cold
仓颉 Cāng Jié Cang Jie, legendary scribe of the Yellow Emperor and creator of Chinese writing / Cangjie input method (computing)
cāng Japanese variant of 蒼|苍 house-fly
沧县 Cāng xiàn Cang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei
cāng low fellow / rustic / rude / rough
cāng used in 鶬鶊|鸧鹒[cang1geng1]
cáng (onom.) (sound of a bell)
cāng cold
cáng Japanese variant of 藏
曾纪泽 Zēng Cang Jize or Tseng Chi-tse (1839-1890), pioneer diplomat of late Qing, serve as imperial commissioner (ambassador) to UK, France and Russia

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