English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: concealed cancel ?

取消 xiāo to cancel / cancellation
作废 zuò fèi to become invalid / to cancel / to delete / to nullify
删除 shān chú to delete / to cancel
xiāo to melt (metal) / to cancel; to annul / to sell / to expend; to spend / pin; bolt / to fasten with a pin or bolt
抵消 xiāo to counteract / to cancel out / to offset
退订 tuì dìng to cancel (a booking) / to unsubscribe (from a newsletter etc)
注销 zhù xiāo to cancel / to write off
解约 jiě yuē to terminate an agreement / to cancel a contract
销户 xiāo to close an account / to cancel sb's household registration
约分 yuē fēn reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths) / to reduce a fraction by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator
停摆 tíng bǎi (of a pendulum) to stop swinging / (of work, production, activities etc) to come to a halt / to be suspended / to be canceled / shutdown / (sports) lockout
销账 xiāo zhàng to write off / to cancel an item from accounts
对消 duì xiāo in equilibrium / to cancel out (of opposite forces) (physics)
缴销 jiǎo xiāo to hand in and cancel
销帐 xiāo zhàng to write off / to cancel an account / to draw a line under
勾销 gōu xiāo to write off / to cancel
销号 xiāo hào to close an account; to cancel a (phone) number
停办 tíng bàn to shut down / to terminate / to cancel / to go out of business

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