English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chi cao ci kai cui gai c ca ?

cài vegetable; greens (CL:棵[ke1]) / dish (of food) (CL:樣|样[yang4],道[dao4],盤|盘[pan2]) / (of one's skills etc) weak; poor / (coll.) (one's) type
cái ability; talent / sb of a certain type / a capable individual / then and only then / just now / (before an expression of quantity) only
cái (variant of 才[cai2]) just now / (variant of 才[cai2]) (before an expression of quantity) only
cāi to guess
cǎi to step on / to tread / to stamp / to press a pedal / to pedal (a bike) / (online) to downvote
cǎi variant of 踩[cai3]
cǎi to pick / to pluck / to collect / to select / to choose / to gather
cǎi color / complexion / looks / variant of 彩[cai3] / variant of 採|采[cai3]
cái to cut out (as a dress) / to cut / to trim / to reduce / to diminish / to cut back (e.g. on staff) / decision / judgment
cái money / wealth / riches / property / valuables
cài used in 采邑[cai4yi4] and 采地[cai4di4]
cǎi (bright) color / variety / applause / applaud / lottery prize
cái material / timber / ability / aptitude / a capable individual / coffin (old)
cǎi to pay attention / to take notice of / to care for
Cài surname Cai
老街 Lǎo jiē Lao Cai, Vietnam / Laokai or Laukkai, Burma (Myanmar)
cāi (literary) learned; erudite / (literary) gifted; highly talented / Taiwan pr. [sai1]
cǎi variant of 睬[cai3]
cài feudal estate
cài see 綷縩[cui4 cai4]
cài old variant of 采[cai4]
cǎi variant of 彩[cai3]
蔡襄 Cài Xiāng Cai Xiang (1012-1067), Song calligrapher
民国通俗演义 Mín guó tōng yǎn Dramatized history of Republican China until 1927 by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩, and later chapters by Xu Qinfu 許廑父|许廑父
蔡伦 Cài Lún Cai Lun (-121), the inventor of the papermaking process

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