English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: bitch batch butch beach beech bach bochu bosh ?

拙劣 zhuō liè clumsy; botched
敷衍 yǎn to elaborate (on a theme) / to expound (the classics) / perfunctory / to skimp / to botch / to do sth half-heartedly or just for show / barely enough to get by
误事 shì to hold things up / to make a botch of things
二把刀 èr dāo inexpert / a botcher
画虎类犬 huà lèi quǎn to try to draw a tiger but end up with a likeness of a dog (idiom) / to try to do sth overambitious and end up botching it
拙涩 zhuō clumsy and incomprehensible / botched writing
画虎不成反类犬 huà chéng fǎn lèi quǎn to try to draw a tiger but end up with a likeness of a dog (idiom) / to try to do sth overambitious and end up botching it

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