English to Chinese Dictionary


苹果 píng guǒ apple / CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1]
táng cherry-apple
海棠 hǎi táng Chinese flowering crab apple (Malus spectabilis)
喉结 hóu jié Adam's apple / laryngeal prominence
苦瓜 guā bitter melon (bitter gourd, balsam pear, balsam apple, leprosy gourd, bitter cucumber)
花红 huā hóng flowers on red silk (a traditional gift to celebrate weddings etc) / a bonus / crab apple (Malus asiatica)
释迦 shì jiā sugar apple (Annona squamosa)
qiān short slender pointed piece of metal, bamboo etc / skewer / prod used to extract samples from sacks of grain etc / (dialect) to stick in / to bolt (a door) / to arrange (flowers in a vase) / to graft (tree) / to pedicure / to peel (an apple etc)
nài Chinese pear-leaved crab-apple
害群之马 hài qún zhī lit. a horse that brings trouble to its herd (idiom) / fig. troublemaker / black sheep / rotten apple
搅局 jiǎo to upset the apple cart / to disrupt things
槟子 bīn zi binzi / a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent
果粉 guǒ fěn (slang) fan of Apple products
眼珠子 yǎn zhū zi eyeball / fig. the apple of one's eye (i.e. favorite person)
莲雾 lián wax apple (a reddish pear-shaped fruit)
苹果派 píng guǒ pài apple pie
海棠花 hǎi táng huā Chinese flowering crab-apple (Malus spectabilis)
苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng apple sauce / apple jam
番荔枝 fān zhī custard apple / soursop (Annonaceae)
一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le guō zhōu lit. one pellet of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of congee (idiom) / fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤 lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le guō tāng lit. one pellet of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup (idiom) / fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
一马勺坏一锅 sháo huài guō one ladle (of sth bad) spoils the (whole) pot (idiom) / one bad apple spoils the barrel
史提夫·贾伯斯 Shǐ · Jiǎ Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.
史蒂夫·乔布斯 Shǐ · Qiáo Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.
宝贝疙瘩 bǎo bèi da (of a child) apple of one's eye

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