English to Chinese Dictionary


duō many; much / too many; in excess / (after a numeral) ... odd / how (to what extent) (Taiwan pr. [duo2]) / (bound form) multi-; poly-
zuò to make; to produce / to write; to compose / to do; to engage in; to hold (a party etc) / (of a person) to be (an intermediary, a good student etc); to become (husband and wife, friends etc) / (of a thing) to serve as; to be used for / to assume (an air or manner)
guò to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / excessively / too-
de of; ~'s (possessive particle) / (used after an attribute) / (used to form a nominal expression) / (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis) / also pr. [di4] or [di5] in poetry and songs
lái to come / (used as a substitute for a more specific verb) / hither (directional complement for motion toward the speaker, as in 回來|回来[hui2lai5]) / ever since (as in 自古以來|自古以来[zi4gu3 yi3lai2]) / for the past (amount of time) / (prefix) the coming ...; the next ... (as in 來世|来世[lai2shi4]) / (between two verbs) in order to / (after a round number) approximately / (used after 得[de2] to indicate possibility, as in 談得來|谈得来[tan2de5lai2], or after 不[bu4] to indicate impossibility, as in 吃不來|吃不来[chi1bu5lai2])
qián front / forward / ahead / first / top (followed by a number) / future / ago / before / BC (e.g. 前293年) / former / formerly
xià down / downwards / below / lower / later / next (week etc) / second (of two parts) / to decline / to go down / to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc) / measure word to show the frequency of an action
one / single / a (article) / as soon as / entire; whole; all; throughout / "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) / also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit
huì can; to have the skill; to know how to / to be likely to; to be sure to / to meet; to get together / meeting; gathering / (suffix) union; group; association / (bound form) a moment (Taiwan pr. [hui3])
一些 xiē some / a few / a little / (following an adjective) slightly ...er
zài to exist; to be alive / (of sb or sth) to be (located) at / (used before a verb to indicate an action in progress)
jiān between / among / within a definite time or space / room / section of a room or lateral space between two pairs of pillars / classifier for rooms
to hold / to seize / to catch / to apprehend / to take / (used in the same way as 把[ba3]: to mark the following noun as a direct object)
bié to leave; to part (from) / (literary) to differentiate; to distinguish / (bound form) other; another; different / don't ...! / to fasten with a pin or clip / to stick in; to insert (in order to hinder movement) / (noun suffix) category (e.g. 性別|性别[xing4 bie2], 派別|派别[pai4 bie2])
dào to reach; to arrive / to leave for; to go to / to (a place); until (a time); up to (a point) / (verb complement indicating arriving at a place or reaching a point) / considerate; thoughtful; thorough
(prefix indicating ordinal number, as in 第六[di4-liu4] "sixth") / (literary) grades in which successful candidates in the imperial examinations were placed / (old) residence of a high official / (literary) but; however / (literary) only; just
duì right; correct / towards; at; for / concerning; regarding / to treat (sb a certain way) / to face / (bound form) opposite; facing; matching / to match together; to adjust / to fit; to suit / to answer; to reply / to add; to pour in (a fluid) / to check; to compare / classifier: couple; pair
hào ordinal number / day of a month / mark / sign / business establishment / size / ship suffix / horn (wind instrument) / bugle call / assumed name / to take a pulse / classifier used to indicate number of people
to rise / to raise / to get up / to set out / to start / to appear / to launch / to initiate (action) / to draft / to establish / to get (from a depot or counter) / verb suffix, to start / starting from (a time, place, price etc) / classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance / classifier for groups: batch, group
工作 gōng zuò to work / (of a machine) to operate / job / work / task / CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4],項|项[xiang4]
hǎo good / appropriate; proper / all right! / (before a verb) easy to / (before a verb) good to / (before an adjective for exclamatory effect) so / (verb complement indicating completion) / (of two people) close; on intimate terms / (after a personal pronoun) hello
chū to go out; to come out / to arise; to occur / to produce; to yield / to go beyond; to exceed / (used after a verb to indicate an outward direction or a positive result) / classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc
cóng from; through; via / (bound form) to follow / (bound form) to obey / (bound form) to engage in (an activity) / (used before a negative) ever / (bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) retainer; attendant / (bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) assistant; auxiliary; subordinate / (bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor
fēn to divide; to separate / to distribute; to allocate / to distinguish (good and bad) / (bound form) branch of (an organization); sub- (as in 分局[fen1 ju2]) / fraction / one tenth (of certain units) / unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm / minute (unit of time) / minute (angular measurement unit) / a point (in sports or games) / 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
kàn to see; to look at / to read / to watch / to visit; to call on / to consider; to regard as / to look after / to treat (a patient or illness) / to depend on / to feel (that) / (after a verb) to give it a try / to watch out for

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