English to Chinese Dictionary


fifth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1] / fifth in order / letter "E" or Roman "V" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc / penta
天干 tiān gān the 10 heavenly stems 甲[jia3], 乙[yi3], 丙[bing3], 丁[ding1], 戊[wu4], 己[ji3], 庚[geng1], 辛[xin1], 壬[ren2], 癸[gui3], used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers I, II etc
十干 shí gān same as 天干 / the 10 heavenly stems 甲, 乙, 丙, 丁, 戊, 己, 庚, 辛, 壬, 癸 (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)
十天干 shí tiān gān the ten Heavenly Stems 甲[jia3], 乙[yi3], 丙[bing3], 丁[ding1], 戊[wu4], 己[ji3], 庚[geng1], 辛[xin1], 壬[ren2], 癸[gui3] (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)

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