English to Chinese Dictionary


四象 xiàng four divisions (of the twenty-eight constellations 二十八宿[er4 shi2 ba1 xiu4] of the sky into groups of seven mansions), namely: Azure Dragon 青龍|青龙[Qing1 long2], White Tiger 白虎[Bai2 hu3], Vermilion Bird 朱雀[Zhu1 que4], Black Tortoise 玄武[Xuan2 wu3]
number 20 of the 28 constellations 二十八宿, approx. Orion 獵戶座|猎户座
二十八宿 èr shí xiù the twenty-eight constellations
廿八躔 niàn chán the twenty-eight constellations / also written 二十八宿[er4 shi2 ba1 xiu4]
觜宿 xiù number 20 of the 28 constellations 二十八宿, approx. Orion 獵戶座|猎户座

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