English to Chinese Dictionary


qián coin / money / CL:筆|笔[bi3] / unit of weight, one tenth of a tael 兩|两[liang3]
liǎng two / both / some / a few / tael, unit of weight equal to 50 grams (modern) or 1⁄16 of a catty 斤[jin1] (old)
ancient unit of weight equal to 20 or 24 liang 兩|两[liang3]
训读 xùn a reading of a written Chinese word derived from a synonym (typically, a vernacular synonym) (e.g. in Mandarin, 投子[tou2 zi5] may be pronounced as its synonym 色子[shai3 zi5], and in Wu dialects, 二 is pronounced as its synonym 兩|两 "liahn") / to pronounce a word using such a reading / (Japanese linguistics) kun-reading, a pronunciation of a kanji derived from a native Japanese word that matches its meaning rather than from the pronunciation of the character in a Sinitic language at the time it was imported from China (Note: A kun-reading of a character is distinguished from its on-reading(s) 音讀|音读[yin1 du2]. For example, 山 has a kun-reading "yama" and an on-reading "san".)
liǎng Japanese variant of 兩|两[liang3]
liǎng old variant of 兩|两[liang3]

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