English to Chinese Dictionary


立功 gōng to render meritorious service (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3]) / to make worthy contributions / to distinguish oneself
立言 yán to distinguish oneself through one's writing (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3]) / to expound one's theory
立德 to distinguish oneself through virtue (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])
三不朽 sān xiǔ the three imperishables, three ways to distinguish oneself that aren't forgotten by history: through one's virtue 立德[li4 de2], one's service 立功[li4 gong1] and one's writings 立言[li4 yan2] (from the Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4])

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