English to Chinese Dictionary


中文 Zhōng wén Chinese language
kāi to open (transitive or intransitive) / (of ships, vehicles, troops etc) to start / to turn on; to put in operation; to operate; to run / to boil / to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc) / (directional complement) away; off / carat (gold) / abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1er3wen2] / abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1ben3], book format
课文 wén text / CL:篇[pian1]
英文 Yīng wén English (language)
作文 zuò wén to write an essay / composition (student essay) / CL:篇[pian1]
外文 wài wén foreign language (written)
论文 lùn wén paper / treatise / thesis / CL:篇[pian1] / to discuss a paper or thesis (old)
天文 tiān wén astronomy
散文 sǎn wén prose / essay
人文 rén wén humanities / human affairs / culture
全文 quán wén entire text / full text
wén language / culture / writing / formal / literary / gentle / (old) classifier for coins / Kangxi radical 67
语文 wén literature and language / (PRC) Chinese (as a school subject)
zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
斯文 wén refined / educate / cultured / intellectual / polite / gentle
PO文 wén (coll.) to post a message
原文 yuán wén original text
上文 shàng wén preceding part of the text
盲文 máng wén braille / literature in braille
华文 Huá wén Chinese language / Chinese script
征文 zhēng wén to solicit articles, essays or pieces of literature (on a subject or in commemoration of an event)
日文 wén Japanese (language)
宇文 wén a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑[Xian1bei1] nomadic people / two-character surname Yuwen
译文 wén translated text
复古 to return to old ways (a Confucian aspiration) / to turn back the clock / neoclassical school during Tang and Song associated with classical writing 古文 / retro (fashion style based on nostalgia, esp. for 1960s)

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