English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to rustle to wrest ?

摔跤 shuāi jiāo to trip and fall / to wrestle / wrestling (sports)
搏斗 dòu to wrestle; to fight; to struggle
拼搏 pīn to struggle / to wrestle
摔角 shuāi jiǎo to wrestle / wrestling
搏击 to fight, esp. with hands / wrestling (as a sport) / to wrestle / to wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc) / to capture prey
格斗 dòu to wrestle
扭打 niǔ to wrestle / to grapple / to scuffle
角力 jué to wrestle / (fig.) to lock horns; to tussle; to wrangle
角抵 jué wrestling / to wrestle
角斗 jué dòu to wrestle

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