English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to reign to resist ?

辞职 zhí to resign
离职 zhí to leave one's job temporarily (e.g. for study) / to leave one's job; to resign
甘心 gān xīn to be willing to / to resign oneself to
辞去 to resign / to quit
to resign / to dismiss / to decline / (literary) to take leave / (archaic poetic genre) ballad / variant of 詞|词[ci2]
辞任 rèn to resign (a position)
听天由命 tīng tiān yóu mìng (idiom) to submit to the will of heaven; to resign oneself to fate; to trust to luck
忍痛割爱 rěn tòng ài to resign oneself to part with what one treasures
自认 rèn to believe (sth in relation to oneself) / to regard oneself as / to acknowledge (sth in relation to oneself) / to resign oneself to
请辞 qǐng to ask sb to resign from a post
引退 yǐn tuì to retire from office / to resign
辞官 guān to resign a government post
逆来顺受 lái shùn shòu to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it / to submit meekly to insults, maltreatment, humiliation etc
罢官 guān to dismiss from office / to resign from office
束手待毙 shù shǒu dài to wait helplessly for death (idiom) / to resign oneself to extinction
逊位 xùn wèi to abdicate / to resign a position
卸职 xiè zhí to resign from office / to dismiss from office
闪离 shǎn to get divorced shortly after marriage / to resign shortly after getting employed
乞休 xiū to request permission to resign from an official position (old)
卸肩儿 xiè jiānr lit. a weight off one's shoulders / fig. to resign a post / to lay down a burden / to be relieved of a job
引咎辞职 yǐn jiù zhí to admit responsibility and resign
退居二线 tuì èr xiàn to withdraw to the second line of duty / to resign from a leading post (and assume an advisory post)

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