English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sun shan shen chun son sign shin skin ?

to avoid / to shun / to flee / to escape / to keep away from / to leave / to hide from
回避 huí to shun / to avoid (sb) / to skirt / to evade (an issue) / to step back / to withdraw / to recuse (a judge etc)
shùn to obey / to follow / to arrange / to make reasonable / along / favorable
嫌弃 xián to regard with disdain; to shun
Shùn Shun (c. 23rd century BC), mythical sage and leader
shǔn to suck
shùn Hibiscus syriacus
shǔn draw forth / horizontal railing
洁身自好 jié shēn hào clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality / to shun evil influence / to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble / to keep one's hands clean
退避三舍 tuì sān shè lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom) / fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid
shùn to wink
五帝 the Five Legendary Emperors, usually taken to be the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4], Zhuanxu 顓頊|颛顼[Zhuan1 xu1], Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾[Di4 Ku4], Tang Yao 唐堯|唐尧[Tang2 Yao2] and Yu Shun 虞舜[Yu2 Shun4]
避世 shì to shun the world
shǔn strike, hit with hand / tap
虞舜 Shùn Yu Shun, one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝[wu3 di4]
遐弃 xiá to cast away / to reject / to shun / to desert one's post
湘妃竹 xiāng fēi zhú same as 斑竹[ban1 zhu2], mottled bamboo, since according to legend the spots on mottled bamboo are marks left by the tears shed by two of King Shun's 舜[Shun4] concubines (Ehuang 娥皇[E2 huang2] and Nüying 女英[Nu:3 ying1], known as the Concubines of the Xiang 湘妃[Xiang1 Fei1]) upon learning of his death
敖顺 Áo Shùn Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]
𥆧 shùn wink / twinkle / very short time
舜帝陵 Shùn líng several tombs of legendary Emperor Shun, one in Ningyuan county 寧遠縣|宁远县[Ning2 yuan3 xian4] in southwest Hunan, another Yuncheng prefecture 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2] Shanxi
舜日尧天 Shùn Yáo tiān sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds
舜日尧年 Shùn Yáo nián sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds

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