English to Chinese Dictionary


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老实 lǎo shi honest; sincere / well-behaved / naive; gullible
天真 tiān zhēn naive / innocent / artless
轻信 qīng xìn to easily trust; gullible; naïve
不知轻重 zhī qīng zhòng lit. not knowing what's important (idiom); no appreciation of the gravity of things / naive / doesn't know who's who / no sense of priorities
装傻 zhuāng shǎ to act stupid / to pretend to be naive
幼齿 yòu chǐ (Tw) naive and innocent (girl or boy); underage prostitute (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [iù-khí])
涉世未深 shè shì wèi shēn unpracticed / inexperienced / naive / unsophisticated
hān silly / simple-minded / foolish / naive / sturdy / tough / heavy (of rope)
少见多怪 shǎo jiàn duō guài lit. a person who has seen little of the world will be be astonished by certain things (idiom) / fig. to be taken aback by sth because of one's lack of sophistication; naive; unworldy
憨态 hān tài naive and innocent look
素朴 simple / unadorned / unsophisticated / naive
不知就里 zhī jiù unaware of the inner workings / naive / unwitting
娇痴 jiāo chī spoilt and naive
小奶狗 xiǎo nǎi gǒu (slang) naive, clingy, emotionally dependent, cute young guy (type of boyfriend)
傻白甜 shǎ bái tián (Internet slang) sweet, naive young woman
白左 bái zuǒ naive, self-righteous Western liberals (neologism c. 2015)

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