English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: nian nanan naiman nahan naihan naiwan nan nai ?

水浒传 Shuǐ Zhuàn Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵[Shi1 Nai4 an1], one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature
水浒全传 Shuǐ Quán zhuàn Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature / also written 水滸傳|水浒传
施耐庵 Shī Nài ān Shi Nai'an (1296-1371), author of Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4]

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