English to Chinese Dictionary


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倾巢而出 qīng cháo ér chū the whole nest came out (idiom); to turn out in full strength
榜眼 bǎng yǎn candidate who came second in the Han-lin examination / see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]
探花 tàn huā candidate who came third in the Hanlin examination (cf. 狀元|状元[zhuang4yuan2]) / (slang) to secretly film sex with a prostitute to share on the Internet
倾巢 qīng cháo lit. the whole nest came out (to fight us) / a turnout in full force (of a gang of villains)
名落孙山 míng luò Sūn Shān lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Sun1 Shan1] (who came last in the imperial examination) (idiom) / fig. to fail an exam / to fall behind (in a competition)
回头路 huí tóu the road back to where one came from

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