English to Chinese Dictionary


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hǎo good / appropriate; proper / all right! / (before a verb) easy to / (before a verb) good to / (before an adjective for exclamatory effect) so / (verb complement indicating completion) / (of two people) close; on intimate terms / (after a personal pronoun) hello
招呼 zhāo hu to call out to / to greet / to say hello to / to inform / to take care of / to take care that one does not
wéi hello (when answering the phone)
问好 wèn hǎo to say hello to / to send one's regards to
您好 nín hǎo hello (polite)
你好 hǎo hello / hi
午安 ān Good afternoon! / Hello (daytime greeting)
哈喽 lóu hello (loanword)
凯蒂猫 Kǎi Māo Hello Kitty
哈啰 luō hello (loanword)
哈罗 luó hello (loanword)

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